Danielle Chang

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Art Direction / Brand Identity / Exhibition Curation /
Editorial Publication /
Social media & Content Creation / Typography


︎ daniellejinichang@gmail.com︎ @ninicha.on.the.grid






[Con]sequence; of D!sorientat!on

OCT 2023 - NOV 2023 ︎ Exhibition
[Skills] Analog Animation, Publication Design, Exhibition Design
[Tools] Aftereffects, Illustrator, Indesign, Risograph Printing

[Team] Claire Collins

[Con]sequence; of D!orientat!on outlines and explores the pace of a night of drinking. The sounds you hear and make while intoxicated are visualized in the risograph prints of an analog animation, booklet, posters, and postcards. These deliverables were displayed with the work of the Senior graphic design studio in “Sight of Sound” held in Gallery 5 of College of Fine Arts.

As I turned twenty one this year, I discovered the world of drinking and feelings of disorientation following that. There is a push and pull with alcohol. It is great until it isn’t. Where is the fine line? This project is in no way promoting drinking, but simply indicating a pattern of moving into different thresholds of disorientation.

Referencing a recording of the disco lights in a bar, I noticed how the lights would flash at completely different angle and light up the whole screen or go silent between a single second. I wanted to capture this fast motion in my riso animation and experiment with what I should design as legible or illegible to the eye. I also used the Blood Alchohol Concentration scale to structure and inform the animation. Starting out slow, clear, and low-saturated in color and tone of the words, the video escalates into a state in which you are no longer trying to read the words but rather simply take in everything that is happening.

There are five scenes throughout the animation with a single phrase inspired by what you would hear or say as you get drunk. With the first phase showing sobriety, I kept the type treatment normal for clarity and focused attention. As it reached euphoria, I repeated and distorted the letterform “o” to suggest slurred speech. Then with confusion, I wanted to capture uncontrollable movement leading to stupor, or complete lack of awareness so I blurred the text, had it glitch within a second, and played with scale and overlapping. As the animation reached its last phase, I played with misspelling, organic forms masking the text, and fast moving elements.

Set of risograph posters 

Documentation of trimming and binding accordion booklet

[Left: front side, Right: back side] Postcards

Documentation of Sight of Sound Exhibition